About Me

My name is Abdullah. I'm a Web Developer at Wunderkind. I built this blog to use as a portfolio / place to write about my interests.

Palestinian by origin; I was born and raised in Jordan til I was 5, when my family decided to move to Dubai for a few years. I spent some formative years there then returned to Jordan for the rest of my adolescent and teen years. When I was 18, I came to the Bay Area to pursue my education. I graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in Management Information Systems.

My journey with Web Development started in my last year of college. I was visiting my brother in Montreal and experiencing some angst about what career I should pursue. I had taken some programming courses throughout my degree and thought it was interesting to solve problems with code, but didn't really give it the time of day. I thought I'd seriously try it out and started learning alongside my degree. I found the Traversy Media YouTube Channel that specializes in programming and technical education. I learned the fundamentals and built projects along with the tutorials and enjoyed the process of building things on the web.

After about a year or so, I got an internship for a small advertising agency in LA. I worked with CDA for a little over a year, before joining Wunderkind in September 2022.

I have truly enjoyed web development ever since and making it my career was once of the best decisions I made.

In my free time, you can find me working out, reading, meditating, or playing the didgeridoo.